My Freshman Experience
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Looking Back: Soundtrack of 2008

  • The soundtrack for my 2008 would be the music on top. Vitamin C [Graduation], Avril Lavigne [When Your Gone], Pink [Family Portrait], and Carter Burwell [Bella's Lullaby].
  • The song Graduation by Vitamin C fits in my 2008 year because i finally left middle school and began my journey to the unknown. I went to M.A.Milam K-8 Center from kindergarten through eighth grade and i was finally ready to go to the next chapter in my life. The song quotes "But when we leave this year we won't be coming back, No more hanging out cause we're on a different track, And if you got something that you need to say, You better say it right now cause you don't have another day, Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down..." this also relates to me because i have been with the same friends since kindergarten and we were moving on to different schools so we wernt going to be together. This song gives me happy and sad feelings because i am finally moving on but leaving my friends behind.
  • The song When Your Gone by Avril Lavigne also fits in my 2008 year because my grandfather had past away 3 years ago but this year i felt even more lonely because his birthday was coming up and i had nobody there to comfort me. In the song Avril sang "When you're gone, The pieces of my heart are missing you, When you're gone, The face I came to know is missing too, When you're gone, The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok, I miss you...". This really touched me because i do miss him alot and i wish he was here with me especially now to get through this rough patch. He always comforted me and now i have nobody to do that for me and this song explains my exact feelings of missing him.
  • Also, the song Family Portrait by Pink really affected me. The song quotes "You fight about money, bout me and my brother ; And this I come home to, this is my shelter; It ain't easy growin up in World War III ; Never knowin what love could be, you'll see ; I don't want love to destroy me like it has done ; my famil..." This year there had alot of conflicts between my mother and step-father. Bu this year it went to the limit were my brother had to get involved physically to protect my mother. He threw out my brother and I. So now my brother and i live basically by ourselves with no mother in our sisters house. This year has been really rough because it is not easy seeing you loved one in a problem and leave them. I miss my mother alot but i have to adapt living inder my brothers custody. This relates to the song because i felt like i was growing up in World War3 when my mother and step-father would fight over me and my brother.
  • Finally, the last song that i can relate to is Bella's Lullaby. This is because it all is smooth and then it comes to reality. This song realtes because i am dreaming of how much i wish my life could be smooth but it come to reality when wakee up from this beautiful dream to my rough life which makes the beautiful song come to an end
Slid down the rainbow at 10:09 AM
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Hi, my name is Vanessa. This is my first blog that i've ever made. I tried my best to make my peers happy. I hope you like it. Thx VaNe